

          Shipchandler Jakarta ( Talenta Gelora Serafim ) is the Indonesia’s largest ship supplier and coordinates local activities through regional centers in Endonesia, our serviced ports shortly as following;

Jakarta Ship Supply & Shipchandler Jakarta

Balikpapan Ship Supply & Balikpapan Shipchandler

Semarang Ship Supply & Semarang Shipchandler

Java Island Ship Supply & Jaha Islan Shipchandler

Sumatra Ship supply & Sumatra Shipchandler

Borneo Ship supply & Borneo Shipchandler

Semarang Ship Supply & Semerang Shipchandler

Surabaya Ship Supply & Surabaya Shipchandler & Shipchandler Surabaya

Gresik Ship Supply & Gresik Shipchandler

Cilacap Ship Supply & Cilacap Shipchandler

Banyuwangi Ship Supply & Banyuwangi Shipchandler

Banyuwangi Ship Supply & Banyuwangi Shipchandler

Panjang Ship Supply & Panjang Shipchandler

Palemband Ship Supply & Palemband Shipchandler

Teluk Bayur Ship Supply & Bayur Shipchandler

Belawan Ship Supply & Belewan Shipchandler

Palebang Ship Supply & Palebang Shipchandler

Dumai Ship Supply & Dumai Shipchandler

Kalimantan Ship Supply & Kalimantan Shipchandler

Cigading Ship Supply & Cigading Shipchandler

Sulawesi Ship Supply & Sulawesi Shipchandler


        Our 16 operations and more than 140 partnerships with local suppliers span the Endonesia’s sea-lanes and are founded on meeting the current demands of all ship owners and operators and the offshore market.

          We provide a 24/7/365 service for every marine, offshore and navy operation, including land operations. We are a full service provider, including handling of owners goods and related marine services, that can meet the demands of both multi-national organisations as well as small local businesses.

         We take pride in making it easy for our customer to receive their supplies, wherever they are needed, efficiently and at the best possible price – this is encapsulated in our mission